






Presently, I am in my third year of a Computer Science major at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. Some of my interests include front-end development, data analytics, and user design/experience. Throughout my degree, I have been a part of the staff for Illinois Computer Science Sail, HackIllinois' experience team, and the corporate/content committee for Reflections Projections. Additionally, I was on the 2019-2020 executive board for Women in Computer Science, and I am currently Association of Computing Machinery's Social & Marketing Co-chair.

In my free time, I play tennis, draw, and perform various Indian dance forms.

audiovisualizer preview image
Simran Desai
This application is an Audio Visualizer. The visualization is a collection of free-floating points that connect to one another via lines once encountering a certain distance from each other while bars scroll across the bottom of the screen. The speed and size of the points, the thickness of the lines that connect the points, and the rise and fall of the bars are in accordance with the sound (using features such as Perlin Noise).
karaokevisualizer preview image
Alyx Merritt, Simran Desai, Kimi Hirano, Michelle Cheng, Mihika Aggarwal
Karaoke is an Android application which converts audio files to a colored visual representation and overlays the original track with user input in a different color. This application contains a song menu presenting multiple songs for variability and utilizes a lyrics web api to fetch the corresponding songs' lyrics displayed on a multi-page scrollable user interface.
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